Saturday, April 5, 2008


We've been kneeling at the porcelain throne for the past week or so! In other words, we've had a stomach bug running rampant through our house! Hopefully we will be over it soon and I can start posting again! I've been too busy tending to sick kids and my sick husband to keep up with the blog right now! If you will check out Julie Buhler's blog she has a video tutorial for the last post I made! You can check it out here! I found that she had made a video, thankfully before I was able to finish mine! I also found my camera! It's been missing for about 2 or 3 weeks!!! I promise to get busy posting again soon! I have swaps I received that I plan to show you! Sorry for not keeping up!! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Ahhh poor girl!!! Sending well wishes!!